Povestea lui Pistruiatu
Povestea lui Pistruiatu
Povestea lui Pistruiatu
Povestea lui Pistruiatu

Povestea lui Pistruiatu (AKY)

…atunci când dragostea învinge

Povestea lui Pistruiatu este una dintre acele povesti ale sufletelor ratacite, care gasesc in cele din urma caldura si iubirea unei familii frumoase. Inceputul sau a fost marcat de tristete si abandon, dar finalul sau a fost unul de neuitat, plin de bucurie si iubire.

Inca de la nastere, micutul Pistruiatu si fratii sai nevinovati au fost aruncati la intamplare in voia sortii. Au avut ghinionul, ca multi alti puisori din pacate, sa fie separati de mama lor si aruncati fara pic de mila la ghena de gunoi. Au fost gasiti de echipa Love for Animals, insa erau deja bolnavi, avand parvoviroza, o boala crunta care a rapus-o pe surioara lor. Din fericire cei doi fratiori Pistruiatu si Cip au supravietuit bolii.

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Love For Animals

Insa, in asteptarea unei case, au urmat ore, zile, luni interminabile petrecute in adapostul nostru care le-au lasat rani adanci in sufletele lor. Nimeni nu a deschis portile inimii pentru ei timp de doi ani, iar disperarea lor a fost ca o strigare fara ecou in cautarea unei case. In fata acestui dureros adevar, colegii nostri au facut tot posibilul sa le aline durerea. I-au tinut in brate, ore intregi, cautand sa le ofere macar putina alinare. Insa din pacate, cei doi fratiori care si-au petrecut toata copilaria in adapost au devenit foarte tematori si soarta le parea pecetluita, parca erau condamnati sa traiasca in adapost pentru tot restul vietii lor.

Insa colegii nostri nu au vrut sa accepte acest destin si i-au luat acasa la ei, au lucrat cu ei si au inceput sa-i ajute sa-si invinga temerile. La fel ca atunci cand erau mici, ii tineau in brate si le povesteau cu orele ca viata este si frumoasa si ca este cineva acolo care ii va adopta si pe ei.

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Cu toate acestea, intr-o zi binecuvantata, soarele iubirii a stralucit si peste destinele lor. Cip a plecat in Anglia unde si-a gasit o casa minunata pentru totdeauna, iar in viata lui Pistruiatu a aparut minunata familie Rusu ca o lumina binecuvantata. Ei au inteles suferinta si traumele prin care trecuse si, fara sa stea pe ganduri, au deschis usa inimii lor. Incet, cu foarte multa rabdare si iubire neconditionata, au vindecat ranile din sufletul lui Pistruiatu, aducandu-l in sanul familiei lor ca pe un membru al familiei. Pistruiatu din sufletul nimanui a devenit frate pentru baietelul familiei si copil necuvantator rasfatat si adorat de parinti.

Astazi, lacrimile de durere s-au transformat in lacrimi de bucurie si recunostinta. Pistruiatu si Cip traiesc acum in mijlocul unor familii iubitoare, unde zgomotele infernale ale cateilor din adapost, care parca striga si ei cu disperare ca-si doresc o familie, au fost inlocuite de multa afectiune si bucurie. Viata lor a prins sens, iar dragostea primita le-a vindecat ranile si i-a transformat in niste adevarati camarazi fericiti, plini de recunostinta.

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Intr-o lume aparent insensibila, in care ne lasam prada nevoilor imediate si grabim pasul, Pistruiatu ne serveste drept amintire ca fiecare suflet merita o sansa la fericire. Familia Rusu a lasat in urma un invatamant pretios: in tumultul acestei lumi agitate, exista timp sa facem o pauza si sa intindem o mana de ajutor, sa deschidem inima catre sufletele ce suspina dupa iubire. Astazi, atat Pistruiatu, cat si familia Rusu, ne arata ca iubirea autentica are puterea de a vindeca ranile cele mai adanci si poate aduce lumina in inimile cele mai tematoare.

Noi, echipa Love for Animals, ne dorim sa intalnim si mai multe persoane asemenea acestei familii minunate, care reprezinta cu adevarat un exemplu de iubire si altruism, si sa deschidem portile inimilor noastre pentru sufletele neajutorate, la fel cum a facut familia Rusu pentru Pistruiatu.

Love For Animals

”Nu vei schimba lumea salvand un animal,
dar vei schimba lumea acelui animalut cu siguranta.”

English version

Pistruiatu’s Story (AKY) …when love conquers all

Pistruiatu’s story is one of those tales of lost souls that eventually find the warmth and love of a beautiful family. Its beginning was marked by sadness and abandonment, but its ending was unforgettable, filled with joy and love.

From birth, little Pistruiatu and his innocent siblings were thrown haphazardly to the whims of fate. Like many other unfortunate chicks, they had the misfortune of being separated from their mother and callously discarded in a garbage bin. They were discovered by the Love for Animals team, but they were already sick, suffering from parvovirus, a cruel disease that claimed the life of their sister. Fortunately, the two brothers, Pistruiatu and Cip, survived the illness.

However, as they waited for a home, endless hours, days, and months were spent in our shelter, leaving deep wounds in their souls. No one opened the doors of their hearts to them for two years, and their desperation echoed like an unanswered cry in search of a home. Faced with this painful reality, our colleagues did everything possible to ease their pain. They held them in their arms for hours on end, trying to provide even a little comfort. Unfortunately, the two brothers who spent their entire childhood in the shelter became extremely fearful, and their fate seemed sealed – as if they were destined to live in the shelter for the rest of their lives.

Yet, our colleagues refused to accept this fate and took them into their own homes. They worked with them and began helping them overcome their fears. Just like when they were small, they held them close and spent hours telling them that life is beautiful and that there is someone out there who will adopt them too.

However, on a blessed day, the sun of love shone upon their destinies. Cip went to England, where he found a wonderful forever home, and in Pistruiatu’s life, the amazing Rusu family appeared like a blessed light. They understood the suffering and traumas he had gone through and, without hesitation, opened the doors of their hearts. Slowly, with immense patience and unconditional love, they healed the wounds in Pistruiatu’s heart, welcoming him into their family as a true member. Pistruiatu, once a soul with no one to call family, became a brother to their son, a cherished and adored furry child of the parents.

Today, tears of pain have transformed into tears of joy and gratitude. Pistruiatu and Cip now live among loving families, where the cacophonous noises of the shelter’s dogs, seemingly crying out in their desperation for a family, have been replaced with affection and happiness. Their lives have gained purpose, and the love they received has healed their wounds and transformed them into truly content comrades, brimming with gratitude.

In an apparently insensitive world, where we succumb to immediate needs and rush forward, Pistruiatu serves as a reminder that every soul deserves a chance at happiness. The Rusu family has left behind a precious lesson: amidst the chaos of this hectic world, there is time to pause and extend a helping hand, to open our hearts to the souls yearning for love. Today, both Pistruiatu and the Rusu family show us that authentic love has the power to heal the deepest wounds and can bring light to even the most fearful hearts.

We, the Love for Animals team, aspire to encounter more individuals like this wonderful family, who truly exemplify love and altruism. We aim to open the doors of our hearts to the helpless souls, just as the Rusu family did for Pistruiatu.